How to find out if a site is related to network marketing , etc. I sometimes hear this question from my friends, they say they offered to do business, and even promised to make a website for doing business. But more often or as usual with such schemes, they charge an entry fee or sell some kind of video course, and then they will offer you mountains of gold in quotes :)
It’s not difficult to find out such a resource; first, most often such sites do not have a structure. That is, they are one-page, moreover, they are very similar, templates. And the uniqueness of the texts is practically absent there, names and surnames are changed, and some of the content is changed.
It’s easy to check such a resource, let’s start with the fact that you can select the text (about a sentence) and search for it in Google. The second image of a p
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How is the site progressing in the USA? To be honest, there are almost no differences from our market. With the exception of minor nuances, for example, an American company that operates in the domestic market will never write plus one. So, the residents immediately perceive it as something global, international.
Google is my business, which people pay a lot of attention to overseas. Especially reviews that are paid for or given as services. And displaying opinions on the site is one of the prerequisites. Yelp's second service, and for some the first, the latter's popularity in the United States is very large. And a reputable company there has a page with photos and reviews. Many also display at least a link to their Yelp.
Social networks for America are only popular there, nonsense. If it helps promote the resource, then they use everything and even more. And the talk about the fact that in the USA everyone advertises and no one is
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What factors influence the best site indexing? I will try to explain it as simply as possible to those who think why their resource is not located properly.
Content is key, without interesting content the search engine is not interested in re-indexing you. That is, the presence of a news module will be very useful. And if there are several of them, then even better, you can add the word dynamic here, for example, a photo section with good descriptions, and a video. The latter can be pulled from YouTube, which is very true, in view of the weight of the files. You can also add an RSS feed here; if used correctly, it bears fruit. And it is added as a link to indexing in the Google webmaster account.
Social networks are additionally used for fame and links to your site, of which I would like to highlight Facebook. But it’s worth considering that it’s important to run a business page or group. Well, Google's indexing of Facebook
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How to increase website traffic without spending money on advertising? Some people will say that you are funny; no matter what you say, you need to invest in a resource, especially if you are involved in sales. On the one hand I agree, on the other I don’t, and here’s why.
Topics of popular queries require investment, as the competition is quite high. But written unique content can do a lot. Some say that you can write here, everything that exists has been rewritten many times. A tip for the lazy, try making an article in artificial intelligence, and then correct and complete it. By the way, there are already services that can check whether a person wrote a note or a robot.
If there are news modules, the RSS channel must be active, and it is very easy for your fans to subscribe through it .
Don’t be afraid of unpopular social networks, talk like who knows only for you and no further. The m
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