news, Сreate a website, website promotion, USA, site design

The site is paused, what could happen to the resource in the search. Now I would like to say not about shutting down the site, but about what will happen if sometimes you don’t have interesting content to fill. We are talking about those who add information to dynamic modules almost every day. Although changing static pages is sometimes also extremely useful.

Agree that only news platforms can afford to add more than one article every day. This also includes bulletin boards, where users fill in a similar amount of information per day. But for an ordinary resource one can say that this is difficult, especially since the topics are not always expanded. Therefore, it is not easy to post every day. Even with my own services, of which there are many, it’s already difficult to write something interesting after 10 years; sometimes I delete them and even rewrite them with a new date, as this contributes to better indexing.

A striking ex ... Read more »

Category: Site creation | Views: 397 | Added by: admin | Date: 04/14/2024 | Comments (0)

Indexing of files on the site, which appear more often in searches. Let me start with the fact that many of you have seen in Google search results a link that leads to a particular file. Various kinds of instructions, contracts and much more that are indexed files located on the site.

What types of files are best seen by the Google search engine. Based on my own observations, this is probably a PDF, but if you load such a format, you need to remember that the text information in it should be normal and not in the image. Many modern scanner programs can immediately convert into it, but this is just an image in PDF format.

The next type of file is Microsoft Office, most often Word or Excel. Tables and formatted text files are also included in the search engine index. I also came across formats of alternative free office programs.

Of course, there are other file formats included in the search index. Above I described the main ones we h ... Read more »

Category: Site creation | Views: 298 | Added by: admin | Date: 04/05/2024 | Comments (0)

How to make news get views and get indexed. For those who maintain a news or blog module in their content management system, the topic is very relevant. Which deserves a separate story.

Let's start with the topic of your resource. Many people have now rushed to rewrite and write short stories in the GPT chat and Google Bard. At the same time, you need to understand one small thing: if a clearly and beautifully written text was written by a robot, another will understand that it was also written by a machine. It is human nature to make mistakes, put punctuation marks incorrectly, and add emoticons in every paragraph. 

This is how I personally do it so that my next post ends up almost immediately in the search engine. First and foremost, add a link to and post to all your social networks. A separate addition to Google my business, namely in the company news with a link to the site. A similar action should be done on ... Read more »

Category: Site creation | Views: 197 | Added by: admin | Date: 04/05/2024 | Comments (0)

Why is it worth doing cross-linking on a website? Quite a lot has been written about this on the Internet, I’ll add a few words of my own. I recently wrote about links  and there is an example in this post of linking. 

Why do relinking? First of all, for visitors to your resource, there is a semantic connection between the articles. So that the user does not immediately run away from the site, that is, to interest him in clicking on the link. There is a lot of debate about how the latter should open, in a new tab or not. It all depends on the situation, the external one is definitely in the new one, if the link is internal according to the situation. 

For search engines, linking is an additional improvement in the indexing of your resource. In simple terms, the more chaos there is in the sitemap, the more interesting you are to Google.

What does linking give:

Increases relevance; the link mass ... Read more »

Category: Site creation | Views: 226 | Added by: admin | Date: 04/05/2024 | Comments (0)

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