news, Сreate a website, website promotion, USA, site design

This is not the first time that business owners have approached me with the question of how to check what is going on with my site, how money is spent on advertising. How many and what resources link to us. There is nothing complicated about this, providing access to Google accounts and services for monitoring the site is very simple.

What do you need for this? Yes, what many have, a Google account, that is, a gmail mail. Then the site administrator adds you to the services to which he has access. Namely - Analytics (site analytics), Search Console (webmaster account), Ads (advertising), Tag Manager (tag manager), My Business (company profile on the map)

What can the owner see? In site analytics, for example, detailed reports, in the webmaster you can see the entire list of referring resources, in the advertising account like analytics, in the company profile on the map efficiency.

How to provide access? Very easy, there is a lot of help on each of the servic ... Read more »

Category: Site creation | Views: 99 | Added by: admin | Date: 08/10/2024 | Comments (0)

Why should a webmaster have several Internet browsers? Sometimes I see how people who create websites have one for surfing and work. Of course, more often these are beginners, but still.

Starting with the basics, an explanation of why not only chrome, the latter is often the main one and naturally all Google services are installed in it. Including the webmaster, now called Google Search Console. So, when you visit sites, a hint is displayed in your browser, you have visited this page many times. That is, when working on a client’s resource and making thematic queries, this often comes up.

Yes, you can open it in incognito mode, but from experience I will say this, there is a difference in search results for certain queries in browsers. It’s small, but it’s definitely there, why you need to ask the developers, who of course won’t answer you.

There are never too many Internet browsers, and even more so for a pe ... Read more »

Category: Site creation | Views: 52 | Added by: admin | Date: 07/30/2024 | Comments (0)

How difficult is it to promote a website in the USA? Or how to lead it correctly so that it ranks higher and higher in the search. Many people think that everyone advertises overseas, but only a few promote sites. Let me just say after the events of the corona virus, not everything is going smoothly in business there either. And not every company can spend money on advertising.

There is no difficulty in promotion, but you need to manage the resource. That is, write texts, add interesting images, maintain your social networks. So that the latter link to the site. Good videos also increase traffic. Moreover, YouTube belongs to Google, and in the verified channel the link from the description works very well.

In addition to the above, a self-respecting company is on the Yelp service and the like, the trust of US residents in them is high. You can compare it to Google My Business, a dot on the map. Many resources overseas often contain reviews ... Read more »

Category: Site creation | Views: 97 | Added by: admin | Date: 07/28/2024 | Comments (0)

Google is my business, what is worth paying attention to, this is the question my clients and new people ask me. To be honest, many people think so, I have a point on the map, I initially filled it out and the reviews that visitors write are enough for me. The minimum may be correct, but Google itself changes the possibilities there from time to time. The last one is adding social network profiles. Here it is worth noting that it is better to put popular ones first (which will be higher), for example, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tiktok. 

Adding photos is the easiest thing, but many people don’t know that they can also add videos. In the same section as the images. Products and services are very significant things and cannot be disdained, as tightly as possible with photos, descriptions and prices. The ability to ask questions online is also included.

The news is in your profile, it’s worth remembering that the free site t ... Read more »

Category: Site creation | Views: 150 | Added by: admin | Date: 07/09/2024 | Comments (0)

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