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To be honest, this is not the first time I have encountered the dishonest work of my fellow site builders. Literally not long ago I was talking with a very old friend and decided to again tell in detail what questions should be asked to the person who will create and maintain the resource.

The first and most important domain. Nowadays even a teenager can easily create it, we register it in our name. The master needs to set up a connection with the hosting, no problem, we give him separate access, he did everything and closed it. Domain name is the most valuable!

Choose hosting depending on the load of the resource; it is cheap and will take a long time to load. What did you think, on one IP, for example, 300-500 sites, you filled out the pages to the maximum, added photos, the Masters do not explain that for a couple of dollars a month your resource on WordPress with such a hoster will slow down. Look for reviews, there are plenty of them.< ... Read more »

Category: Site creation | Views: 120 | Added by: admin | Date: 04/05/2024 | Comments (0)

Many young website creators, as they fill them up, are faced with the issue of quality search on their resources. Those that are built into the content management system do not always give the desired result. And therefore, the best alternative is Google’s software search, previously called user search.

Creating your own search is very simple, it is more difficult to install it in the right place for this. Search on the site must be convenient and quick to enter; when a person cannot find it, it is more likely that he will leave the resource. The search method should be in a new tab, Google by default offers an overlay, that is, a pop-up window. Visitors are not always delighted with this, although the mobile version seems to be convenient. And on the computer it is sometimes blocked by third-party applications.

From experience I will say the followin ... Read more »

Category: Site creation | Views: 103 | Added by: admin | Date: 04/05/2024 | Comments (0)

How can I get Google to index my site faster? This question is probably the most pressing for those who have just created their own resource and want it to be visible in search results as quickly as possible. Let's start with what affects indexing. The two main files are robots.txt and sitemap.xml, the first tells what the search robot can and cannot do, the second is a site map that shows what links are on the site for viewing and indexing by Google.

What actually happens is that the search engine always puts the site in a queue for indexing, since there are a lot of resources and cannot scan everything at once. But Google has a good thing in webmaster tools , URL checking. In simple words, you can take links from your site and add them manually. Moreover, it is recommended to add all sitemap files; some content management systems have several of them. ... Read more »

Category: Site creation | Views: 76 | Added by: admin | Date: 04/05/2024 | Comments (0)

Several sites for different services or products. It's no secret that in business on the Internet, the winner is the one with the right approach to promotion. And many small companies create several resources in order to sell more and advertise less.

Let's figure out how to do it correctly so that you can be found well in search results. If you are creating a second or third website, make sure that the contact information, namely phone and email, are different. From personal experience, there was a case when a resource was not indexed at all, after replacing the above, everything fell into place. For mega companies, the solution is simple, they have the concept of a branch, and something similar is present in the Google My Business settings.

They ask me about addresses, my personal opinion is that they should be different. Although it is not essential, an office building can house 100 companies. 

To everything, I want t ... Read more »

Category: Site creation | Views: 76 | Added by: admin | Date: 04/05/2024 | Comments (0)

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