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4:56 AM
Setting up Wordpress micro-markup, and more for posts

I am sometimes asked and asked for help with Wordpress sites, of course, my profile is not quite my own, but I can't refuse regular customers. What is most often missing on this system for a site? Correct micro-markup, comments and ratings.

What to do when you need to do it quickly, in this CMS the best solution is plugins, their number is simply off the charts, but there are not so many good ones, more often high-quality ones in the extended version are paid. But there are also good ones for free. Now I will simply list some. It is also worth remembering that your version must be compatible, moreover, sometimes you need to update PHP.

Let's start with the main thing, namely access to file uploads, for example, you need to confirm the site in the Google webmaster account . Install the file manager , moreover, it will be useful for uploading if you want to make a web manifest and several site icons  for it. 

kk Star Ratings  simple and convenient rating of materials in the form of stars, simple and clear settings. Well understood by Google when  checking micro-markup . 

WP Last Modified Info  plugin that works great with the date of materials, minimum actions and clear settings.

Yoast SEO  is the most popular plugin for micro markup, it gives the basics for free. More is for money, but there are ways to add manually. For those who understand, I recommend this site . Moreover, you can insert the code in this way, in the appearance panel of the theme editor. template-parts/content-news.php is the post page, for those who understand the code. In the page editor, it is also possible!

Disqus Comment System is  the best comment service, but recently there have been complaints that it doesn't work. It didn't work on two of my sites either, I installed it manually using the method just above, copying the code after registering on the official site . An interesting joke: in the settings of your Disqus profile, it is impossible to change the email if it has a dot before the dog symbol.

And finally, the WordPress system is very resource hungry, after filling, installing plugins, etc. When choosing a hosting, do not save, because then the site will slow down. 

Category: Site creation | Date: 02/07/2025 | Views: 80 | Added by: admin | Tags: Setting up Wordpress micro-markup, and more for posts | Rating: 5.0/1
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