blog, Сreate a website, website promotion, USA, site design

Remote creation of a site with a foreign client, or how this thing happens for me. Just a couple of days ago there was a call to one of the messengers about this. So I decided to write a small note for those who want to have a foreign resource for a sane amount.

Of course, the foreign customer has enough questions for me, although I described all this as best I could. What concerns future foreign clients most of all, rightly, is the issue of trust. And hundreds, thousands of kilometers is a significant factor, not everyone will immediately trust me. More often they look at how an example is first added to a Facebook group and only then, after seeing openness, they contact. They immediately contact through acquaintances who know me very well in the field of site building.

Like, the work on creating a resource for the United States, but the best way to do it is remotely. First, the client sees everything clearly, there are no hidden and incomprehensible payme ... Read more »

Category: Create a website | Views: 309 | Added by: admin | Date: 06/29/2022 | Comments (0)

Tricks and tricks of creating a site, as few masters who work with it talk about it. I have not written about the creation and promotion of resources for a long time, but something inspired the mood for the weekend. Let's start with the basics, you must register your first domain name for yourself, period. The maximum the webmaster can ask for is to change the NS servers for the site and something else that is not complicated, which you can do yourself. Why is this needed? Yes, everything is simple, so that later it is not manipulated, because the domain costs more than hosting, especially if it's old.

Promotion, to be honest, I'm a little fed up with writing about it. Today, many CMS systems have modules and fields for adding titles and descriptions. And almost any master can add a site to a search engine. The question is whether he wants to do it, and what legends he tells after the creation of the site.

Viruses on sites, here the origin of the lat ... Read more »

Category: Create a website | Views: 489 | Added by: admin | Date: 06/28/2022 | Comments (0)

Now in the current situation, many people have left the country. And therefore, from time to time, acquaintances and clients request to remotely fix their computers. I communicate a lot with foreign friends, and I can say the following. The level of training of specialists there is lower, and if they are good, then the prices are correspondingly higher by an order of magnitude.

Of course, for those who know me for a long time, I help free of charge in quick cases. But sometimes you need to tinker not an hour, not two, but more to do everything as expected. Just yesterday, I spent two hours with a non-weak computer that was crammed with rubbish, without antivirus and an elementary temporary file garbage cleaner. Another interesting factor was that the dismissed employee put the teamviewer program into autoload. That is, he saw his computer remotely for a couple of months, and if he wanted, he could do something himself.

Owners in rich countries pay little attention to ... Read more »

Category: Create a website | Views: 635 | Added by: admin | Date: 06/27/2022 | Comments (0)

Forgetful customers or how to make them remember sites. From time to time I check the sites of customers for work, or rather, whether it opens at all. Why? Well, sometimes they don’t see a notification in the mail that the domain needs to be renewed or paid for. Usually, after it has not been paid, and a month has passed, you can forget about it, but a domain that is 5-10 years old has value. Even if the site itself is filled, that is, hosting is less valuable then making a backup copy is an order of magnitude easier than thinking about how to return the domain.

How do I register a domain with a client? First of all, I choose the email that is in his smartphone, so that he can always see the notification. We tie up a mobile number to be able to recover the password and login. Well, once a month, just in case, I go over the websites of customers, there are enough phenomena)

Sometim ... Read more »

Category: Create a website | Views: 516 | Added by: admin | Date: 06/27/2022 | Comments (0)

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