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0:37 AM
How to get a visitor to return to the site

How to get a visitor to return to the site. Well, it is clear that the word force is taken in quotation marks. The forced method is not the 21st century. Yes, and bookmarked mostly resources that are needed more often, such as online radio, weather, utility bills and the like.

I keep saying that the site should be well located and remembered. In the latter, you should pay attention to the color scheme and the top image, it is for it that the guests of the resource remember. Valuable information, the one for which the user will come to your site. That is, we write about what is relevant and what is scarce on the Internet. It is not always possible to guess how many people will come to you, but using the example of some of my articles, I will say that it is worth trying.

Yes, not every resource has the opportunity to be filled with unique texts. In addition, narrowly focused activities do not have the ability to tell a lot and beautifully about themselves and their business. More often they rewrite someone else's, and now with the advent of GPT chat it has become even easier. 

In order to interest a guest on your site and somehow delay it, think about what resources you spend the longest time on! And why is everything convenient and practical. Although in online stores, the main factor is probably the cost;)

Category: Site creation | Date: 07/27/2024 | Views: 111 | Added by: admin | Tags: How to get a visitor to return to t | Rating: 5.0/1
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