blog, Сreate a website, website promotion, USA, site design


1:13 AM
How long does it take for a website to achieve good positions in search engines?

How long does it take for a site to achieve good search rankings? Today I’ll tell you how a resource in the USA achieved high positions in half of a year. And this shows that working on the site bears fruit every day. Of course, unique text and images matter. Well, maintaining social networks in full.

Plumbing services in the suburbs of Chicago, in addition to HVAC, which translates into heating, ventilation and air conditioning. I'll start with traffic: there are about a hundred hosts from the USA per day. Separate pages are created for service areas, and this brings results in searches at the local level. 

Every day a news article is written, moreover, the link is immediately added to the search. In each of the social networks it is the same. In addition, a minimum video of 1-2 minutes is posted on YouTube, with a phone number and a link to the post.

Don’t forget about  the photo gallery, which bears fruit in search results. Of course, there are similarities with blog modules, but they are indexed a little differently. It is worth noting the equipment section, which describes what will work after installation by the company.

How long does it take for a website to get to the first pages of search results, given intense competition? Personal opinion is from 3 to 6 months minimum! And this is provided that information will be added daily, and auxiliary resources in the form of social networks and YouTube will be updated in the same period. 

Category: Create a website | Views: 90 | Date: 07/27/2024 | Added by: admin | Tags: How long does it take for a website | Rating: 5.0/1
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