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3:26 AM
Why I don't attach importance to some social networks

Why I don't attach importance to some social networks, this question is sometimes asked by friends and customers. I have already written about this many times, but let's start with the main thing. What kind of clients can be found in the social space, and most importantly, how solvent are they.

What I pay more attention to, the first step is the site, it is many years old and not to deal with it is simply blasphemy. The second is Facebook, and here it is no longer a personal page, but a business and a group. The third is a point on the Google map, or rather adding news posts there. Well, then everything else, as they say, depends on the mood.

Speaking for example about TikTok, which is much talked about, it is not my clientele. If we talk about the level of indexing, the same Souncloud is many times faster, after adding it gives out texts in Google search results. Moreover, the RSS link is displayed in YouTube, and it turns out to be a video from a podcast.

And if we speak frankly, unpopular social networks give the best link mass, I told you once. Many of which are filled automatically for me personally after adding information to the site.

Everyone decides for themselves which social network to attach importance to, the main thing is that it is useful.

Category: Create a website | Views: 137 | Date: 01/18/2025 | Added by: admin | Tags: Why I don't attach importance to so | Rating: 5.0/1
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